Category: Influencer

Name : Daniela VILLEGAS

Title :  Jeweler

City : Los Angeles

What’s hot right now?

The more I get older, the more I want to spend time with the people that I love and make me grow, that make me evolve.
If I made a mistake, I apologize and own my mistake. It is important to accept the responsibility of our actions.
We are not perfect. I believe that it is important to be and give the best of ourselves in everything. Sometimes things don’t work that way . . . but you try again and pursue happiness and goodness
What is hot right now is to show your true self to the world. To accept the way you are.

Name : Richard Wainwright

Title :  Producer/A Current Affair

City : Los Angeles

What’s hot right now?

What’s hot right now is our responsibility to remind ourselves to put more beauty into the world. That’s our form of resistance, our form of protest. And that’s the one thing you can control.

Name : Tiffany Godoy


Editor in Chief/Creative Director The Reality Show Entertainment

City : Tokyo/Paris

What’s hot right now?   Tuning in to self rather than tuning out the chaos. I’ve been working with a coach on intuitive training. Meditation and really turning up the volume on inner voice and creativity. It’s really grounding and helps me to be present and focused and clear on what my responsibility is as a creative person, a media figure, and a compassionate human in this thrilling, tragic, innovative moment in time.

Instagram : @tiffanygodoypresents

Name : Kelvin Malone

Title :  Dandyism22

City : San Francisco/Paris

What’s hot right now?

Well I’ve never been one for trends, so what’s hot for me is what’s always been hot and that is following my heart, which means doing the opposite of what is the now. For instance I love dandyism, but not your typical dandy with the colorful suit, socks, tie etc, like at Pitti. But rather taking it to another level, as  you can see in this image.


Name: Edward Buchanan


City: Milan

What’s hot right now?
Honesty is my mainstay. We are living in turbulent times and I have made a promise to myself that I will always live my life flushed with strong moral principles. Living by these terms I have not always gained a flow of admirers nor a padded bank account, but I sleep very well at night knowing that I have worked twenty five plus years in the fashion industry on my terms. I live unapologetically black, and I insist on keeping it brutally honest through the highest highs and the lowest lows.

Instagram : @sansavino6